If you are from Kansas City.. you’ve heard of the Westport Flea Market. It’s famous for many things;
- The Food.. voted Best Burger in Kansas City 23 years in a row.
- Hooter’s tried to buy it out to put a new “Hooters” there. (It didn’t work)
- It’s a restaurant that is surrounded by a flea market (where else would an eBay Queen like to eat?)
- Bob Berdella (famous KC serial killer) once had a booth at a the flea market.
- Oh.. and I wrote a review on it HERE
Here’s The Man’s Market Burger.. oh yeah.. that’s real bacon
Here’s #1’s food..
You’d think with all of this fabulous food the eaters would look a little more alive.. right?
Don’t mind Patrick.. he’s going on 24 hours of NO SLEEP…
There’s not really an excuse for these people…
(Except I took a BAZILLION photos of them today.. and in some of them they tried
to punish me, by looking goofy.
I mean really.. SO I’ve been taking your photos all day.. LOOK ALIVE PEOPLE!
A mother has to do what she has to do..
Well.. isn’t that special.. We now know where they get it from..their father!..
Nice finger up the nose! No matter how cute #1 tries to look, it doesn’t
make up for The Man leading them in this form of anarchy! Just look at the boys…
smiling and in awe of their father..